Pimento Cheese: A Trendy Spread with a Unique History
Pimento cheese spread is a favorite addition to any snack plate – especially for those living in the southern states. William’s Cheese knows the popularity that has been gaining traction for this savory spread. We have answered that beckoning call with out own flavors. To surely spice up any potluck party: Spicy, fire-roasted, and of course a traditional pimento spread too. And that’s the beauty of this cheese – the option and variety! Surely, there is a flavor out there to jive with any palette.
What is “pimento,” though?
“Pimento” actually originates from the Spanish word “pimiento,” which is actually a kind of cherry-pepper. There are larger in size, and a distinctive red. Did you know the pimiento pepper is literally shaped like a heart? Perhaps that’s what makes it such a beloved snack! A common misconception is that this pepper is what give pimento spreads their kick – pimiento peppers actually have on the lowest Scoville scale ratings, among other chili peppers.
So, how does Pimiento become Pimento?
Although the spread is more popular in the South, the spread itself comes from New York, near 150 years ago when the invention of cream cheese came about. People used cream cheese in everything. Eventually it was mixed with pimiento peppers from Spain, becoming the creamy and delicious spread we know today. After the mixture was created – farmers throughout the South began raising the pimiento peppers themselves, and the rest is history!
In today’s world, pimento spread can be made in dozens of ways, some recipes may not even call for cream cheese – many actually use mayonnaise, another very popular spread in the southern United States. As history tends to repeat itself, there is another surge of popularity for the cheese spread happening now: cheese lovers rejoice!